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单词 valentine
释义 valentine['væləntain]n. 情人, 情人节礼物 valentine  val.en.tine  AHD:  [v²l“…n-tºn”] D.J.  [6v#l*n7ta!n]K.K.  [6v#l*n7ta!n]n.(名词)1. A sentimental or humorous greeting card sent to a sweetheart, friend, or family member, for example, on Saint Valentine's Day.卡片:一种寄给情人、朋友或家庭成员的一种充满感情的或幽默的问候卡片,如在圣瓦伦丁节日时所寄2. A gift sent as a token of love to one's sweetheart on Saint Valentine's Day.信物:在圣瓦伦丁节时作为一种爱的象征而寄给心爱之人的礼物3. A person singled out especially as one's sweetheart on Saint Valentine's Day.情人:在圣瓦伦丁节时尤其是作为某人的情人而选出的人注释:Geoffrey Chaucer should perhaps receive honor as the real Saint Valentine.Although reference books abound with mention of Roman festivals from which Valentine's Day—the day for lovers—may be derived,Jack B. Oruch has shown that no evidence exists to support these connections and that Chaucer is most likely the first to link the saint's day with the custom of choosing sweethearts.No link between the day and lovers exists before the time of Chaucer and several literary contemporaries who also mention it,but after them the link becomes widespread,a circumstance that makes it seem likely that Chaucer, the most imaginative of the group, invented the tradition.The fullest and perhaps earliest description of the tradition occurs in Chaucer'sParlement of Foules,  composed around 1380, which takes place “on Seynt Valentynes day,/Whan every foul cometh there to chese [choose] his make [mate].”杰弗里·乔叟可能应该接受作为真正的圣马伦丁的荣誉。尽管参考书中充满圣瓦伦丁节日──情人的节日──可能来源于罗马节日的提法,杰克·B.奥鲁奇已经表示没有证据存在去支持这些联系,并且认为乔叟是最有可能第一个把圣瓦伦丁节和选择情人的习俗联系在一起的。乔叟和他同时代的一些创作者曾有过这个提法,但在这之前,并没有人把某日和情人的联系存在,但是在他们之后这种联系开始广泛流传起来,这种情况使得这群人中最有想象力的乔叟创造了这个节日。关于这种传统的最完整可能也是最早的描述出现在乔叟的 Parlement of Foules(火鸡议会) 中, 作于1380年左右,发生在“圣瓦伦丁节/当每个火鸡都来到这里选择它的配偶” Valentine  Val.en.tine  AHD:  [v²l“…n-tºn”] 圣徒 (3世纪) 公元  D.J.  [6v#l*n7ta!n]K.K.  [6v#l*n7ta!n]NONE(无词性)Roman Christian who according to tradition was martyred during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Claudius II. Another martyr named Valentine, who was bishop of Terni, a region in present-day central Italy, has also been suggested as the inspiration for our modern feast of Saint Valentine's Day.圣瓦伦丁:罗马基督教徒,据说他在皇帝克劳迪二世对基督教徒的审判中遇难,另一个叫圣瓦伦丁的遇难者是今天意大利中部地区的特尔尼的主教,他也被认为是我们当代圣瓦伦丁节日宴会的启示者




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