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affinity curve affinity group affinity-isolated antibody affinity labeling affinity law
affinity membrane affinity of aggregation affinity of chemical reaction affinity precipitation affinity preference
affinity residue affinity ultrafiltration affion affirm affirmable
affirmance affirmance by acquiescence affirmance in general affirmant affirmation
affirmative affirmative act affirmative action affirmative easement affirmative plea
affirmative proof affirmative recovery affirmative relief affirmative vote affirmative warranty
affirm the orignal judgment affix affixa lamina affixation affix grammar
affixing of seal affixion affix one's private mark affix revenue stamps affixture
afflatus afflict affliction afflictive affluence
affluency affluent affluent society afflux affluxion
afflux of capital afford affordable affordable supercomputer afford proof
afforest afforestation affranchise affray affreight
affreighter affreightment affrenghtment affricate affricative
affright affront Affton affusion Afg.
Afghan Afghan hound Afghani afghani Afghanistan
AFI A fibers afibrinogenemia aficionada aficionado
afield a field of honour a fine day for young ducks a finger on the wall a finishing stroke
AFIPS afire a fit of temper AFL aflagellar stage
aflame a flash in the pan aflatoxicosis aflatoxin aflatoxins B
aflatoxins G aflatoxins M AFL-CIO a flea in one's ear a fleeting show
afloat a flourish of trumpets aflutter a fly in amber a fly in the ointment
a fly on the wheel AFO a foe worthy of sb.'s steel AF of L. Afognak Island
a fond a fool's errand a fool's paradise afoot a football pro
afore a forecast zone a foregone conclusion aforementioned aforesaid
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